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Andrew Bastedo

Andrew Bastedo

There’s something comforting in the goodbyes shared by Christians. For truly, there is no goodbye, we will always meet again, whether in this world or in the next, we will all meet again.  I have been asked to write a farewell article as my final article in the Scroll, which

178 pages, 178 reasons I lie awake at night… they tried to talk me out of this.  I didn’t listen. April stretches out like a cat’s shadow, a cat bending its back ready to pounce forward in the glories and rebirth of May, but is frozen by its own anxiety,

Dear Students, the Scroll in recent days has devoted a great deal of its time to opinion pieces and event reporting rather than reporting on campus updates and policy changes.  Hopefully this helpful guide for April will become a staple in the paper for your convenience! Firstly, it is my

There is something strange and mystic about the spring wind.  No one I know of can really escape from it, the odd fuzzy feeling which seems to creep into our heads as the weather grows warmer, turning our classes into endless whirls of cinder block walls and nonsense.  There is

If I hadn’t looked it up, I wouldn’t know which party he was from.  Joe Pitts doesn’t talk like a politician.  His voice is little more than a whisper. No grand gestures, no promises.  I don’t know quite what I was expecting when I snuck in, late as always, into

The brutal scent of arctic weather chills the swirling air.  The clatter of a car engine struggling to start makes joyous harmony with the deadening silence of the gathering piles of snow. Running behind your time, tires squealing, you take turns like a caffeined-up Mario Andretti, groaning as you skid

Wait, that’s this week?  It can’t be this week. Sweet St. Ambrose it is this week!  Battle stations! Battle stations, man the lifeboats, buy the flowers! Well hello again Cairn university, we find ourselves again at the center of the maelstrom of hormones and excess spending: Valentine’s Day!  How did

The Secret to Finding an Amazing Thai Meal Again, as the bare trees of autumn give way to the green, festive garlands of Yuletide, we must bid farewell to a semester full of common defeats and victories.  Forgetting to do the class reading, getting an A on a quiz, all

To my dearest Someone, Is it time we finally started seeing other people?  Was it something I said, or a weird dream you had? You know… at this point I don’t really care.  I was the best thing that ever happened to you, and you know what, I’m pretty awesome.

For those who date: Come my love, let us frolic in the dull carpeted wasteland of Heritage Hall!  Unbind our songs of love, like golden webs from the sun itself across these humble couches and shimmer for all to see as a lighthouse of hope on the shores of loneliness.