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Many Americans enjoy so-called “ethnic” food, which has typically been highly Americanized. Very rarely do Americans get to taste food that is truly from another country, in all its authenticity. Cairn University gets a rare opportunity to showcase authentic food from around the world, allowing students to have this chance

The Secret to Finding an Amazing Thai Meal Again, as the bare trees of autumn give way to the green, festive garlands of Yuletide, we must bid farewell to a semester full of common defeats and victories.  Forgetting to do the class reading, getting an A on a quiz, all

As another day at Cairn University come to an end, I snuck a peek into the new and improved Highlands Café, and, I have to admit, my heart tingled with excitement as I saw one of the workers laying tile on the wall of the kitchen area. The new tables,

The meal selection at Cairn University has been described by many as “mediocre” and “subpar.”  Since the inception of “Pioneer College Caterers” at Cairn University, the students have been fairly displeased with the food that is being offered at meals.  From moldy bread, rotten fruits, unhealthy selections, poor kitchen management,

Okay, so we all have our opinions of the cafeteria. There is no pretending here really; everyone figures out by the end of the first week that the food can leave, well, more to be desired.  Sometimes the cafeteria pulls off a quality option, but most times you’re left “eating

Whether you’re a resident or a commuter, you have eaten in the cafeteria at least once. Chances are, that one time left a strong impression on you. Here are the most common impressions left upon the student body as we experience years of cafeteria food. (For those of you, like

“Will looked horrified. “What kind of monster could possibly hate chocolate?” Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel In my previous article, I showed that monsters are sometimes Christ-figures. In this post, I want to show that one of the sweetest facets of Halloween, chocolate, is actually one of the most bitter. First,

Embrace the cold weather with these delightful treats that are easy to make in your dorm (even Heritage & Manor) and don’t require many ingredients! Have another fall favorite? Comment the recipe/link to the recipe below!   NUTELLA MUG CAKE Ingredients 4 tbsp flour 1/4 tsp baking powder 1/4 cup