15 Struggles Only Commuters Understand

Being a commuter myself, I compiled a list of struggles that my commuter friends and I face on a daily basis. As we begin the start of a new semester, old habits begin to settle in again and pet peeves begin to irritate. In other words, the struggle of commuting is real.
- Awkwardly standing at the front door of Heritage until someone walks through because your ID doesn’t scan.
- Carrying around all your books for the entire day (plus the homework you need to do for tomorrow) because you do not have a dorm room to keep them in.
- Trying to get to your 8 am class. Residents think they have it bad because they have to roll out of bed on time. Try rolling out of bed and then jumping in your car to battle morning traffic.
- Driving to campus to find your preferred parking lot full.
- Being forced to participate in group projects with residents who can only meet “in the great room at 9:30 pm.”
- Sitting in traffic because of a train crossing, only a few cars away from Manor Ave. You’re sooo close, but you still can’t turn. Legally. Sometimes you take the risk.
- Always being hungry, but not quite desperate enough to spend $5.75 in the cafeteria for a meal.
- Napping in the commuter lounge knowing every person who walks to the mailroom will secretly judge you.
- Going to the mailroom with your resident friends even though you never have mail in your mailbox (and if you do, it’s homework).
- Leaving an assignment/a book at home.
- Having a prof tell you that you can just borrow a book from someone in your hall until yours comes in.
- Justifying every purchase with, “Well I’m saving so much money by not living on campus so…” despite the fact that you are just as poor as any resident.
- Having to be the instigator for all friendships with residents. If you don’t come to them, they don’t come to you.
- Working “real jobs.” The ones that do not care what your semester credit load looks like.
- Having people tell you,”Wow I wasn’t expecting to see you here!” at every campus event. Every. Single. One.
Totally relatable! You forgot number 16. Having to smell all the weird food that other commuters put in the commuter lounge microwave. Seriously, somebody’s food smells like wet dog and cheerios.
Wow- being a commuter hasn’t changed in years! True in every way.