A Week of Revival

On the week of February 21 to February 25, Cairn Student Discipleship held a student-led “Revival Week”, a series of worship and prayer nights in the ADR. The event was organized by two Cairn students, Jennalyn Stuart and Gianna Troland. Each night featured different students leading worship and praying for those who showed up.
Jennalyn Stuart had the idea of a revival week early on in the semester, and spent time praying about what God would do for Cairn spiritually. After talking to Gianna Troland, the two realized that they had both been praying for the same thing. “It was really cool to see how God put the desire in both of our hearts to do that,” said Stuart.
They then approached Bethany Chez and the University Ministry Center to organize a meeting with Mark Jalovick. “We wanted to get official permission to have it as a university event. They were both really on board with it and super supportive,” Stuart added.
Each night had a turnout of 15-20 people, “It was less people than a normal worship night, but we were just super happy with that and thankful for the way that God moved because you could tell every night was so special,” Stuart said. Despite the turnout, the event was well received, with multiple students expressing their gratitude and appreciation for it.
“I enjoyed the worship and prayer, and the fellowship with other believers on campus,” said Anna Hamm, a senior who helped lead worship one night by playing the violin.
Stuart and Troland have both expressed their gratitude with the event, “It was a time of spiritual refreshment and just focusing on God because our goal was to glorify Him and to praise Him together as a community,” Stuart noted.
Stuard then went on to describe how she would like to do similar events in the future, as well as more regular worship nights. In the meantime, you can find Stuart and Troland leading their bible study every Tuesday evening at 7:30. “Our whole theme is centered on leading a life that represents Christ. We try to cover topics that are practical and encouraging for people. It’s an interactive time, designed to encourage people spiritually,” Stuart noted.
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