Another Starry Night

What can I say about Starry Night that has not already been said? I love it. I love walking up and down the walkway with my closest friends drinking hot apple cider and eating Christmas cookies.
The scavenger hunt was also a really great way to direct how my friends and I spent our time that night. Even if you did not do the hunt for the sake of getting a starry night mug (which by the way, is exactly why I did it), it forced you to explore every event that was offered.

It made me realize just how much was going on that night. There was stocking decorating, photo booths, a classic Christmas carriage ride. Also, I don’t know how many of you had the chance to go into the MAC and listen to the band that played that night, but they were amazing. Very talented. I just wish that they had been able to play outside so everyone could have heard them.
This event is such a unique night to our university. And I’m sure there are other colleges and universities scattered across the country that have their starry night equivalent, but I can with all certainty say that ours is undoubtedly better. Bias? Possibly, but our campus is the perfect middle ground between a large campus and a small campus.
A girl that I work with at Chick-fil-A told me this past week, “I heard that not a lot of people go to Cairn, but I don’t think that really makes sense because I see Cairn people all the time.” This was the moment I informed her that we are a small school, it is just that everyone in the school goes to Chick-fil-A, all the time.
Basically, I do not know of other schools that are small enough to have professors handing out cider and cookies, but still large enough that even if some students do not make an appearance there is still a party. We all know of schools like Penn State and Liberty. We also all know of schools that are just way too small. Cairn is neither of these schools: Cairn is the place where the President is a person that can be approached and talked to. We do not think about this often because of the environment that we are in, but that is no small thing compared to other universities.
I may say it in almost every article I write, but our school is awesome. Starry night is a great event, and if you decide not to attend next year, you are really missing out.
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