Author Archive
Alexa Slawter

On Gratitude
“When joy and prayer are married, their first born child is gratitude.” Charles Spurgeon I have noticed recently that gratitude is much more difficult to experience than we often recognize. It is quite easy to complain and point out all the terrible circumstances in life, but 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says
On Performing Different Roles: An Interview with Cassie Perednia
This Friday, November 5th is Cairn’s Fall Musical titled Angels and Witches and Fairies, Oh My! I interviewed Cassie Perednia, who plays multiple characters in the musical and is also the stage manager, to find out more about her experience in this musical as well as theater in the past.

Looking for a Group to Join?
Once upon a time, in a building far far away, there was a plethora of tables occupied by many leaders who run many different clubs. These organizations range from engagements pertaining to leadership and business to camping and games. In case you missed the Org Fair, here’s a rundown for most