Author Archive

Andrew Bastedo

Andrew Bastedo

There are many great questions that demand an answer: Who thought the Beastie Boys were a good idea?;  Why do some people call soda “pop”?; and, our question today, should Christians celebrate Halloween? Grab your pumpkin themed apparel and pitchforks readers, let’s open the murky doors to the night when

The Ferris wheel spins slow, under a sky that seems too blue and open to be real.  I smile, unable to join in the fun, sitting behind a table, waiting for someone to come up and talk to me.  Homecoming, the week that I secretly both dread and love, again

Last week, as the final dregs of Hurricane Florence soaked our campus and our spirits, my intrepid editor sent me off into a strange land of donuts and discussion.  Few people I asked knew what the Coffee with the President was, let alone had ever actually attended the event. So

“Hey, wait, what time is class again?” “I keep forgetting we have class at 9:25…” “I hate having to keep looking at my schedule.” Confusion rings through the halls.  The great backpacked masses stumble through ever increasing waves of delirium as time seems to enter a dimension where it has