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Annie Vincent

Annie Vincent

After the Williams’ lawn was drenched by the rain, the annual Garden Party faced a change in location. This year it was held in Chatlos Chapel, with extravagant lights, a large tent, and beautiful candlelit tables. With fresh flowers at every table, Rayhan Owens said “It was amazing to see

Soft-spoken Abigail Day did big things in Louisville, Kentucky this summer. She completed an internship with a Christian non-profit organization, Love Thy Neighborhood (LTN), doing outreach through their ministry, Sojourn Arts. Abigail applied her major, Community Arts, by engaging the community through artistic projects like painting an abstract mural with

In spite of the rain on Friday, August 31, the MAC bustled with students and staff in bright Hawaiian garb. Hosted by Student Government Association and Student Life, the Hawaiian Kick Off Barbecue was not delayed or hindered in any way by the weather. There was a sizable turnout as