Author Archive
Ariana Sequino

Dance Your Way Through Different Cultures
Last Sunday I was able to experience something new and out of my comfort zone. I was a little hesitant at first, but I decided to go through with it, that is, bachata dancing. I got in the car with two of my best of pals and we drove through

A “Well-Captured” Event
This past Thursday, September 14th, many students attended “The Gallery,” a Student Photography Exhibition hosted by the Student Visual Arts Society (SVAS) and the Arts & Culture First Year Program students. This was the 5th annual Photo Gallery at Cairn University since being initiated back in 2013. While at

Stop Putting God in a Box
This past summer was a major season of reflection: a season of looking back on all that was taught in previous years, taking it in, and thanking God for everything that was learned so far. Without a doubt in my mind each year is another opportunity and chance to allow God to