Author Archive
Audric Radityaputra

Communication on Campus
Information has always been an important aspect in our daily lives. To spread information, mankind has developed many creative ways of communication. From the days of messengers sent by kings to deliver a message, to Scrolls (the Cairn Scroll?) containing information, to using pigeons, telegrams, telephones, e-mails, text messages. The

Being an International Student: Part 2
Welcome back to the second part of “Being an International Student”! Where I dig deep into what its like being an International student here in the U.S. Last time, we talked about my personal story on how I got here and now I’ll be explaining to you what its like

Being an International Student
Growing up as a kid in Indonesia, I always wanted to visit the United States of America. Although I live close to 10,000 miles away, the US has been in almost every movie and TV show that I grew up watching. While many Americans dream of going to Paris, Rome,

A Study in Red and Gold
Last week, millions of people throughout the world celebrated an important holiday. The Chinese or Lunar new year is a holiday that is widely celebrated in many Asian countries as a start to the Lunar Calendar, usually in January or February. Growing up in a Chinese Indonesian family, the Chinese

A Peaceful Fighter
Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Junior is without a doubt one of the most influential figures in the 20th century due to his role in the civil rights movement. Rev. King fought for the rights of black Americans who suffered prejudice and oppression in the widely accepted segregation movement of