Author Archive
Emily Reisz

World Reach Week: A Week of Discovery
World Reach Week, formally known as Global Missions Week. Some know this week as the week to get out of in class lectures by listening to some unknown person talk about some mission in a country they have never heard of before. Others know it as the week to get

Ico-What Now?
Icosahedrons, seen in the Art Gallery in the lower BLC, are polyhedrons built by the students of math professor Dale Siegenthaler to celebrate the 100th birthday of mathematician and priest Magnus J. Wenninger. The students and professors of the math department worked on hanging this impressive display on October 30th
Editor’s Note
Hello readers of the Scroll. As the semester draws to a close, we would like to ask you to take the time to fill out this brief survey to let us know how we are doing. If you have any concerns or really like things that we are doing, please

What We Tell Ourselves
Truth cannot proclaim itself, yet proves itself.A lie will always provea Lie.Can we expectother’s blindacceptance? We must declarethe Truth, nothold it in. Our jobis to expose wrong, advocatefor Right, Truthand Justice. Though we cannot judge,we can observeand advise. Advicegiven can be takenor denied, that is not our choice. Our choiceis

Feeling Stressed?
College has always been a breeding ground for stress, sickness, and overwhelming emotion. The quest for hygiene and healthy living styles in cramped, stuffy dorm rooms is difficult, but there are easy ways to combat smelly roommates and increase the health benefits of your dorm room. Now that Spring has

Burning Cold
A warming touch, a cold-turned back,A loving heart, a cruel attack;A constant shiftAn ebbing giftOf fire and ice that calls my heart They come and go, like a spring breeze:Love-filled glances given with easeHis capturing smile,That turned so vileTo fire and ice that calls my heart. A burning care, a

Another Year, Another Semester
As a new semester begins, the campus has come back to life after a brief winter hibernation. For the first time in years, Cairn had a four week break, much needed for some, too long for others, which has left most students refreshed and ready for a new semester, though

Thanksgiving Part II: Campus Services
The snow fell on Cairn University as students and professors hurried to get home before the roads became impassable. On that stormy Thursday, I went out to get a friend from Dunkin so she would not have to walk back to campus in such abhorrent conditions, but I did not
The Unlikely Part 2: Lizzie
One of the things I have admired about Dr Williams over the years I have been around him is that he rarely speaks without sharing a story about a student or former student. He is a President driven by his love and care for students, and those stories have helped