Author Archive
Jess Schnittjer

Cairn IS The Real World
“When I graduate and go out into the real world…” I hear this sentence from college students all the time. Throughout our lives, we have been told that life truly starts when we graduate college and get a “real” job. I don’t like it. By calling our

Are Cairn Students Entitled?
It is so much easier to notice the things in need of improvement than it is to acknowledge the good things in life. Specifically, I have been thinking a lot about Cairn lately. The number of times I have opened my mouth and uttered complaints about the weird smell

Coffee House Confusion
Nothing beats the wonderful smell of coffee and hot chocolate. As I walked into the Heritage Hall Great Room, reminiscing about the time I spent there my freshman year four years ago, I smiled at the number of students present at Friday’s Missions Coffee House. To be honest, I

Snapchat Exposed
“I look pretty horrible in this picture, but my friends will only be able to see it for a maximum of 10 seconds, so I’ll just add it to my story.” Snapchat’s appeal lies in its promise that you can send a picture to an individual, or add it

To Be Out of the Cairn Loop
This semester, I have felt completely out of the loop at Cairn. Sure, I am the editor of The Scroll, and so I know what’s going on regarding the specific topics that students choose to write about. However, I feel much more out of touch with the goings-on of Cairn

A Depressed and Anxious Christian
“Christians can’t suffer from anxiety or depression…That’s like an oxymoron.” “God would never give a follower of his a mental disorder like depression that they would need medicine to overcome.” “Anxiety and depression aren’t real mental disorders. They are just a lack of faith, trust in God, and

Confessions of a Jesus-Doubter
Lately I have been doubting the worth of my relationship with God. Let’s be real here; we all have periods of doubt where we question whether or our faith in Jesus Christ is really worth all of the struggles that accompany that confession of faith. Because of this doubt,

Cairn’s Need for Prayer
“I’ll pray for you.” How often do we hear Christians saying this phrase? We spit it out like it is the only comfort we know how to give. But how often do we tell someone we will pray for them and yet forget to do so later? This is an

The Emergence of Mid-Term Missions
Among the Christian community, there are varying opinions about the importance of missions. There are those who claim that every Christian is a missionary by nature in their own context, and therefore they do not need to travel to fulfill their calling. There are others who think that missions is

What It’s Like Being Dr. Gary Schnittjer’s Daughter
I am not Dr. Schnittjer’s daughter. Well, I mean, technically I am. He is my father. But I try to avoid being labeled as such because it puts me right inside of a pre-labeled box with little chance of escape. Let me explain. I promise you, not a day passes