Author Archive
Lilly Fischer
On Cultural Idolatry
“What is it that preoccupies your mind? That is your religion.” My pastor preached a sermon on Sunday that distinguished between being fleshly-minded and spiritually-minded. On the one hand, because we are created in God’s image, aware of His existence, whether we admit it or not, we are naturally spiritually-minded
31 Ways to Enjoy Fall
Maybe it’s cliche, but autumn is my favorite season of the year. The summer breeze turns into a chill. The leaves slowly fade from green to brown, then fall, one by one, leaving the trees bare. Night comes earlier and every day is just a little bit shorter than the
Returning to the Classics: Anne of Green Gables Review
Kindred spirits. A dress with puffed sleeves. A broken slate. Tasting ice cream for the first time. The beloved story of Lucy Maud Mongomery’s Anne of Green Gables starts with the titular character of Anne (spelled with an “e,” of course). The first and most popular novel tells of Anne’s
Finding the Gospel in the Psalms
I don’t know about you, but I grew up reading the Biblical book of Psalms as individual songs—laments for times of suffering and praises to God for times of rejoicing. I had never read or thought about them with the Gospel of Christ in mind. Even though this beautiful book
“The Empty Cradle”
What once was a joyful hope and a prayer was now torn to pieces, never renewed. My heart was broken, for I felt no care. How could tears fall for what I never knew? How could I love so what I never saw? How could my heart ache for what
Are you Suffering from the “Almost Spring Break” Blues?
Written by Scroll Reporter Lilly Fischer It’s that time of year again. There are two weeks until Spring Break, but it feels like two months away. The weather fluctuates between warm, beautiful Spring days and dark, wet, cold Winter days that make Summer feels like years away. Here are a
What is a “Worship Song?”
Written by Lilly Fischer “Worship is our innermost being responding with praise for all that God is, through our attitudes, actions, thoughts, and words, based on the truth of God as He has revealed Himself” (Dr. John MacArthur). The first hymn book was published in Massachusetts in 1640, a book