Author Archive
Lydia Hill

Is there a better time than N.O.W?
A room full of young adults, ranging from freshmen to seniors, all gathered together for one common purpose: to worship God. Taking time not only to sing in a collective group, but also to read from His word and pray for one another. If this type of environment interests you,

15 Struggles Only Commuters Understand
Being a commuter myself, I compiled a list of struggles that my commuter friends and I face on a daily basis. As we begin the start of a new semester, old habits begin to settle in again and pet peeves begin to irritate. In other words, the struggle of commuting

New Year, New Outlook
“This year is going to be amazing.” This is the optimistic perspective of Kristen Caster, a sophomore level English major and Heritage Hall R.A. After spending her freshman year learning and growing in experience, she now is ready to take on this semester with full energy. Despite the full, eighteen

Dear Freshmen…
Dear Freshmen who attend a Christian college, I am writing this in order to help you prevent the mistakes that I made my first semester of freshman year. My thoughts will be even more applicable if you come from a public school background. Regardless, it is good to be aware of