Author Archive
Matthew Benedict

Upon the Drifts
The spring semester is always tough. Some of you have experienced it: Christmas is gone, the New Year has settled in, the winter drags on and the class projects keep mounting. It’s cold outside, you feel drained inside your body and the brisk air seems to send you into emotional

My Weary Head
My weary head I lay down to sleep In our wood paneled second floor. The house is full and silently sweet, Full of precious family awake no more. I lay my head on my star-cased pillow; It is soft and giving. My mind rests in mid air, Turning thoughts over

Released with Purpose
This poem is about running. “Run released”–––released from every hindrance–––was our Cairn Cross Country motto last year, and running is too demanding a sport to be without purpose. Hence the title. It is often quickly assumed that running requires talent but this assumption misses something crucial: you can succeed personally

The Lord is my Cairn
The LORD is my Cairn; I shall not be moved. He makes me lie down in soft dorm beds. He leads me beside still ponds. He restores my grade. He guides me down a different path For his name’s sake. Even though I walk through dark halls Toward final