Author Archive
Rachel Krodel

A Look Back: Reflecting on the Closing Sports Season
As many Cairn University sports teams finish up the season, we reflect upon the past few months of glory, tears, trials and triumphs. Cairn University rejoices with the Cross Country Men’s Team for defending their title of CSAC (Colonial States Athletic Conference) champions for the second year in a row,

Men & Women’s Chapel: We Need to Change
Each semester, securely in its place on the chapel schedule is the ever-constant Men and Women’s Chapel. While this gender-segregated chapel has caused quite a bit of controversy over the years, students embrace the chance to tell The Scroll their feelings about this gender-specific chapel. Overall, the male students interviewed greatly

A November Challenge- Actions Speak Louder Than Words
November is officially here, and Thanksgiving Break is just around the bend. Every year around this time, people everywhere reflect on what they are thankful for. But instead of making one of those Sunday-school lists of “things I’m thankful for,” there is something better that you can do for Thanksgiving

Mid-Semester Stress Attack
Now that midterms are basically officially over, Cairn students enter the final stretch of the semester. Suddenly, term projects and research papers are a pressing issue, weighing down the shoulders of the student body. Project after project magically appears on your planner, important notifications zoom through the school about registration

Running Into Health- A Message from the XC Team
To go along with our interview with the Men and Women Cross Country Teams, we asked the teams what they have experienced health-wise with their running. Running is a great, easy way to get in shape; all you need is a pair of running shoes. No heavy equipment or gyms

The Team to Be On- Cairn XC
You’ve seen them around, racing along the walkway or jogging down the road in the distinct maroon of a Highlander. They are the cross country men and women’s teams. Their games are not as popular as Cairn’s soccer or volleyball games, and the cross country team is sometimes overlooked, yet

Fall Festivities
As summer fades away, the leaves start to change colors and there’s a light nip in the air. Fall is officially upon us, and here are a few ways to embrace the pumpkin flavors and cool weather before winter brings its ice and snow: Delicious Drinks: The August 17th edition of People

Rest in Peace, Katrina
At 9:30pm on Wednesday, September 16th, a group of Cairn students gathered around the spirit rock by the flagpole. In memory of Katrina Weston, the students spray-painted the rock with the blue ribbon of colon cancer and a pair of wings while recounting memories and saying prayers. Diagnosed in early

Midterm Madness
Fall break steadily approaches, but with it comes the ever-dreaded midterms. Mid-semester projects, tests and papers start sneaking up on the student body, poking and prodding students to late night studying, endless coffee cups and binging Netflix TV shows. With professors reminding us about upcoming tests, papers and even projects

Soccer Coaches Be Like
As the men’s soccer team prepares for the upcoming Homecoming game, Assistant Coach Tim Ebersole reflected with us on how the Fall 2015 semester is going. Due to Scott Fogarty’s departure as head coach, current coach Luke Gibson (who started the position last year) has carefully and actively recruited new