Author Archive

Rachael Maughan

Rachael Maughan

Rachael studies Secondary English Education here at Cairn. Serving Christ through her love of literature and discipling others to walk more closely with Him are her deepest passions. When not fighting procrastination with her planner, she can be found among friends, smelling books in the library, and offering tea to fellow students.

The Connie Eastburn Gallery currently hosts a masterful collection by Mark Potter, Bone of my Bones: Wood Sculptures Celebrating the Meaning and Mystery of Marriage. The exhibit consists of forty pieces, each elegantly carved and depicting an aspect of marriage. There is deep imagery in each carving. Placards accompany each
Student standing in front of Announcements board

Four weeks. It has already been four weeks moved onto campus and stressed over our syllabi. We’ve all been trying to balance and adjust to our schedules. It’s also taken time for the freshman to firmly grasp where everything is on campus. It took me four days just to find

I’m an incoming freshman and my story is not what I thought it would be. You see, I’m a planner and I had a thorough plan. Every inch of it was cozy and familiar, never taking me far from those dear to me. So trust me when I say I