Author Archive
Scotty Meiser

We Can Dance if We Want To
It’s been over a week now, and no one’s written anything about the Gala, to the good or the ill. I guess it’s not a bad thing. Silence is the college student’s highest form of praise. If we’re not actively complaining, things are probably okay. But I’d like to break

The Script and the Scriptures
I’ve always been an actor. What that means, however, has always been in flux. In elementary, it meant performing in Bible-based plays for Juniata Mennonite School (a lovely K-12 establishment with less than 200 students total). These scripts gave third grade Scotty his first exposure to spoken lines. I’ll never

Ice-Scrapers and Lightsabers: A Dialogue
SCENE: PENNDEL APT D5. – AFTERNOON ERIC is sitting in a warm chair, dressed in black, watching YouTube. His shoes are off. He is comfortable. Hearing someone fiddling with the door, he looks up from his laptop. Enter SCOTTY, dressed casually in a grey t-shirt. He has just

A Love Letter to Freshmen
Freshman Class, I love you. Sorry, was that weird? Too forward? Let me start again: You’ve had a lot of advice thrown at you in the past few weeks. Don’t use a tray. Don’t wear your lanyard. Don’t fall in love. Don’t call your parents every night. And this advice

When In Israel…
I was fortunate enough to be a part of Cairn’s ‘13-’14 Israel and Archaeology FYP cohort. We went to Israel as part of our studies, a sort of reward for and culmination of what we’d been learning all year. Now, with experiences as intense as the FYPs, honest reviews are