The Success of Cairn Mingle

I have to admit, I was skeptical.
Really, really skeptical.
Because what else would epitomize the Cairn experience more than to have an event that blatantly caters to the girls pursuing their M.R.S degrees? [See more about that “degree” in Ring by Spring and “Cairn’s Hookup Culture.“]

I am already not a fan of Valentine’s Day. It never did anything for me. The cheesy hearts, cupid’s arrows, and stuffed teddy bears always made me gag a little.
I mean, it’s fine if you like it. All I’m saying is that I prefer buying chocolate the day after when it’s half off.
So to have a Cairn event surrounding Valentine’s Day, well, it seemed to be a little overkill.
Because, well, it is just before springtime.
And the groundhog said spring would be here 6 weeks early.
And we all know what that means.
If you’re a single senior, Cairn Mingle came to your rescue.
And while I do not actually believe any of that, I couldn’t help but find the event to be a little comical.
I just pictured everyone lined up for a speed dating session, in which Cairn could find everyone a match. That way, all the girls do not think that getting their Liberal Arts degree was a total waste of time.
(I am a female student in the Liberal Arts department, so I am totally allowed to say that)
But I found I was wrong.
The success of the event, while having different dating games, did not depend on everyone finding a match. It had to do a bit more with mingling and less with engagement shopping.
Which was very refreshing to see.

Couples could go and not be worried about being forced to go on a date with someone else.
So it truly was a “Cairn Mingle:” Cairn students mingling. It just happened to be Valentine’s Day weekend.
So by personal preference, I would have liked to see the event at a different time of the year to cut down on the cheesiness and lovey-dovey expectations.
But overall, the event was not the gag-worthy night that i expected it to be.
SPA, I commend your efforts.
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