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Campus Life

For those of you have never read a rubric for a paper, it usually includes the phrase “critical thinking.” At Cairn, if you have ever taken a class with Professor Palladino or Dr. Ebersole, they intentionally stress and promote the development of critical thinking skills: asking thoughtful questions of texts,

Dear little yellow parking ticket,   I hate you. Okay, maybe that is a little harsh. I am sure you had the best of intentions when you tucked yourself in my windshield wiper two weeks ago. I get it; I parked where I wasn’t supposed to. And I get that

I am a girl who loves twinkle lights, especially when they are laced through tree branches.   So it is safe to say that I absolutely adored everything about the Garden Party this year.   I will take any opportunity that I can to dress up, so this semi-formal event

Okay, so we all have our opinions of the cafeteria. There is no pretending here really; everyone figures out by the end of the first week that the food can leave, well, more to be desired.  Sometimes the cafeteria pulls off a quality option, but most times you’re left “eating

Coming into this program, people told me that it was going to be hard…this was true. I let these words have control over my actions coming into Arts & Culture. Walking into the classroom, we had assignments within the first week and I was really hesitant to let myself do

I think we all know who the ARDs are, even if we don’t recognize them. They’re that person who you know works with the RAs, but you never see them on rounds. They’re that person who is at every RHA event, but seem as if they’re doing everything other than just enjoying

It’s been over a week now, and no one’s written anything about the Gala, to the good or the ill. I guess it’s not a bad thing. Silence is the college student’s highest form of praise. If we’re not actively complaining, things are probably okay. But I’d like to break

  There you are standing next to your mailbox you probably don’t lock, gripping that one quiz you took last week, and the score is more than disappointing. “What could I have done better?” The question flutters through your mind, and not for the first time. This question may run

Word on the street is the gala is different this year. And not simply different in location and theme – at this year’s Masquerade Ball, dancing will be permitted. This “minor detail” has completely changed the game of the gala (is it really pronounced gay-la?!). The prospect of officially being

“Join us for an Enchanting Evening: Masquerade Style,” reads the sign for this year’s spring Gala. The Gala is a highly anticipated social event here on our Cairn campus, and this year, it will offer a Cairn first: dancing. Excitement increased even more at the promise of a dance floor