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I’m hiking down a mountain. With a group, but I’m alone. Hikes go like that, usually. You do them with people but you really do them alone. And I’m thinking about Narnia again, about all this green and all this hope and I’m, somewhere in my head, memorizing the breakup

If I’ve learned anything, it’s that good books don’t shy away from the ugly stuff of life. Till We Have Faces (C.S. Lewis), Beloved (Toni Morrison), The Poisonwood Bible (Barbara Kingsolver), and The Great Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald) — four of my favorite works of literature ever — delve into

You’re a reader. You always have been. Your earliest memories include stuffing your mother’s tote bag full of picture books from the library. Eventually, you graduated on to juvenile, then YA literature. It didn’t quite matter what they were about. Well, it did if your dad picked up one and

So, you’ve been a fan of the Grishaverse books forever and now that Shadow and Bone is finally a TV show, everything is right with the world. But your Christian grandmother just watched it and is now talking about all the symbolism in it…What’s up with that? Let’s talk about

As someone who grew up in the largest Muslim populated country in the world (Indonesia), I’ve met several missionaries. In fact, my first ever English-speaking friend was a missionary kid from a family that served in Indonesia. Missionaries are important for the church, as they go out to reach the

The Gospel Choir’s first full concert was a night full of worship and the culmination of several people’s hard work. Ruth Naomi Floyd opened with a brief introduction, explaining the birth of gospel music. African slaves, in their deepest despair, lifted their songs and lifted their heads to God. The

The mystic world is something that’s viewed differently depending on who you’re asking. Western cultures have mostly abandoned the idea of spiritual beings as real, reducing them to a novel, often romanticized, version of themselves (look no further than Count von Count from Sesame Street or the twinkling vampires and

Chances are, you know someone who is a part of the LGBT community. Perhaps you are familiar with the difficult balance between loving them and yet not mitigating the truth of God. If you have experienced this, or even if you were simply curious, you were likely refreshed by Dr.

By Jennica Mendoza Have you ever started a new semester with a list of ambitious resolutions, only to forget them after a few days? Maybe your goal was to read the whole Bible throughout the year or stop procrastinating on major projects. When the cares of college life begin and

One of the most beautiful places I have ever visited is Disneyland’s Sleeping Beauty Castle. Its stonewall Medieval architecture and fine, elaborate details never cease to mesmerize me. At night, I marvel at its elegant iridescence as hues of pink and blue glow amid a blanket of pitch black. This