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Highlander Spotlight

I am not Dr. Schnittjer’s daughter. Well, I mean, technically I am. He is my father. But I try to avoid being labeled as such because it puts me right inside of a pre-labeled box with little chance of escape. Let me explain. I promise you, not a day passes

Each semester, securely in its place on the chapel schedule is the ever-constant Men and Women’s Chapel. While this gender-segregated chapel has caused quite a bit of controversy over the years, students embrace the chance to tell The Scroll their feelings about this gender-specific chapel. Overall, the male students interviewed greatly

I have attended a few chapels in my years here at Cairn, including a few “men’s only” chapels. As a freshman, this separation seemed like a good idea, but by my Sophomore year, men’s chapel was an automatic skip. Apparently, I’m not the only one. I interviewed some students asking

November is officially here, and Thanksgiving Break is just around the bend. Every year around this time, people everywhere reflect on what they are thankful for. But instead of making one of those Sunday-school lists of “things I’m thankful for,” there is something better that you can do for Thanksgiving

I think at some point as an underclassman, I had thought about this before. I loved it when upperclassmen reached out to talk to me or even poured into me. But there were times where I thought, “Man, if only there were some more great senior/upperclassmen leadership, then this campus

Greetings fellow Highlanders! Today I want to show you a free, useful tool that you can use to enhance your biblical studies. Please click on the link below or enter that URL. This is the STEP (Scripture Tools for Every Person) Bible. It is an online, ESV Bible that

Penndel parking…what a joke.  I mean, who has the time to wait for the shuttle or wait for a security officer to meander over after their donut break. I am here to get an education; that is my primary goal. Why in the world am I expected to spend my

My Dad: You may know him as Professor, the illustrious Cairn University Business Director, or the Eubank girls’ Dad. Whatever hat he goes by, I’d like to introduce him to you again as I see him and explain what it is like going to school where your Father works. First,

We are all too familiar with the phrase referring to singles who begin dating and get engaged before the end of the school year. Urban Dictionary defines “ring by spring” as, “Christian college kids in their senior year that feel a need to get engaged before the final semester, thus

At 9:30pm on Wednesday, September 16th, a group of Cairn students gathered around the spirit rock by the flagpole. In memory of Katrina Weston, the students spray-painted the rock with the blue ribbon of colon cancer and a pair of wings while recounting memories and saying prayers. Diagnosed in early