College Students Are Leaders, Too

What does it mean to be a leader for Christ? Is God calling me to be a leader RIGHT here, RIGHT now?
These are some of the questions I asked myself as a freshman in college. Now in my fourth year of college, I am still trying to navigate what exactly it means to be a leader for Christ. For many, when they hear that someone is a “leader,” they picture the person as being in charge or heading up a particular type of large group or organization. While a majority of the leaders of this world do not have much of a following at all. Keep in mind that Jesus only had 12 followers when He first stepped up as a leader, and is now known as the most influential leader to ever step foot on this earth. Being a leader is not about our following, but about the role we choose to play wherever we are at in any given moment of our lives.
Over these past few years I have developed 5 characteristics that every leader should possess as a follower of Jesus Christ. These characteristics include:
1) A Willingness to Serve
As a college student it can seem as though learning and being taught is all that we are called to do. However, that is not what Scripture teaches.
John 13:12-15 says,
When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.
Therefore, we, even as young college students, are called to serve, teach, and take after the example of Jesus Christ by putting others’ needs before our own. Being a leader is sacrifice, dedication, and the ability to offer of your service to those who need it. How is God wanting you to serve here at Cairn University? In what ways do you have the opportunity to be a role model and mentor to a younger peer? …To step up and be apart of an organization or group on campus? …To take a student worker position and serve others to the best of your ability?
2) Reliant on Holy Spirit for Wisdom
Another quality of a leader is the ability to rely on the Holy Spirit in all things; in both the good and the bad times. In order to do this we have to constantly be in full surrender to our Lord and Savior each and every day. This enables us to completely trust His plan for our lives and rest in knowing that He has every situation in control. This peace allows any follower of Christ to step into a role of leadership, and take initiative knowing that it is okay that they do not have all of the answers. This is trusting the Lord your God, with all of your heart, soul, spirit, and mind. This is when you see the Spirit of the Lord work in you and through you the most because you are resting in the fact that He has not only called you, but has chosen you for such a time as this.
3) Seeks Guidance from Mentors
Another quality of a good leader is the readiness to approach a mentor and ask them for help. A part of not knowing everything, is having people in your life who you can go to in those times you need guidance on certain issues that may be new, or just completely out of your comfort zone. Asking questions does not mean you are not a good leader, but rather it shows your maturity in your desire to become a better leader for Christ.
4) Manages Time Well
A quality that is many times overlooked is time management skills. Being able to manage your time well is so important no matter who you are or what stage of life you are in. There are so many components of time management including setting time for rest. Without rest, there is no way anyone could lead anything to the best of their ability (I’ve learned the hard way). Other components include knowing what you can or cannot handle… not everyone is equipped to handle multiple different things at the same time, and that is okay. Stick at what you feel God can use you in the most, and become a stronger leader in the position He has already placed you in.
5) Remains in Humility
Last, and most importantly, a leader must remain in an attitude of humility. Without humility, one can easily think as him or herself as better than everyone else. In my own experience of leading others in a college setting, I always try my best to remind myself that it is only because Christ made me worthy that I am in the position that I am in right now. Without Him, I would not be able to achieve anything… without Him, I am nothing.
Philippians 2:3-4 says it best,
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.
The opportunities available to a college student are limitless. Do not give up and never lose sight of the leader that you are. God has not called you to be a leader in a few years from now; He called you to be a leader for Christ since the moment you were conceived in the womb, in order for you to be able to influence those around you for His Kingdom’s sake.
Find those opportunities and take advantage of them. You will never stop learning and God will NEVER stop teaching you as long as you continue to say “yes” in complete surrender and obedience to Him!
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