Feeling Stressed?

College has always been a breeding ground for stress, sickness, and overwhelming emotion. The quest for hygiene and healthy living styles in cramped, stuffy dorm rooms is difficult, but there are easy ways to combat smelly roommates and increase the health benefits of your dorm room. Now that Spring has finally arrived, you can finally throw open the windows of your cramped, stuffy room to let in fresh, life-giving air that decreases the spreading of sickness and keeps the rotten smells of college life from suppressing the limited space.
Another way to improve life in the dorms is to get an array of plants that increase oxygen, help you get a more restful sleep, decrease stress, and improve the aesthetic appearance of your room. Here are some low-maintenance plants to help you relax and remain well:

The snake plant has the highest benefits of cleaning the air and helping to provide you with a restful sleep. These plants enjoy sunlight and light watering. Whenever you see the soil getting dry, just add a bit of tap water. The snake plant grows to fill a pot and can get up to 3 feet in height. This plant is one of the first to add in an indoor plant arrangement.

In addition to proving oxygen and decreasing the toxins in the air, which helps provide a more restful sleep, Aloe Vera can be cut for more immediate benefits. The sap of Aloe Vera is an anti-bacterial, as well as a soothing agent for burns. If you get sunburned from being outside too long, just cut a stem and rub this soothing sap over the areas of the burns daily until the red turns to a brown or pink. The sap can also be used for cuts and regular burns in the same ways to promote fast healing.
Aloe is extremely sensitive to water and requires a pot that can drain. Wait for the soil to completely dry out before watering. Make sure the dirt is saturated when you water. The leaves should be thick, green, and slightly flexible.

Rosemary is a culinary herb that will keep your dorm smelling fresh and delicious. The leaves can be used to liven up some dishes, going especially well with chicken and potatoes. This plant enjoys sunlight, mild temperatures, and light watering. Pick leaves whenever you would like to use them. The leaves can also be cut and dried for use later.

In addition to being a beautiful, flowering plant, the leaves on certain varieties can be used to make tea that helps relax the body and provide a warm drink for the cool evenings in spring and the chilly days of winter. This drink helps to relax your nerves and keep you focused on the work you need to do.
Most of these plants can be kept in smaller containers with well-drained soil, conserving space. They also provide opportunities for you to be creative in decorations, whether you use simple pots on tables and desks, or create a shelf that hangs from command hooks on your walls. There are many opportunities for these plants, as well as others, to liven up your dorm room and provide a relaxing backdrop to the stressful life of college.
Hopefully this article helps you consider your dorm decorations and informs you about the beneficial options that come with a new spring.
1 Comment
After reading this article, I think I’m going to buy one of these plants.