Fresh Start: Four Semester Resolutions

By Jennica Mendoza
Have you ever started a new semester with a list of ambitious resolutions, only to forget them after a few days? Maybe your goal was to read the whole Bible throughout the year or stop procrastinating on major projects. When the cares of college life begin and deadlines compile, disappointment often ensues from unfulfilled goals. As a recovering perfectionist, I challenge you to start semester resolutions with a fresh outlook. Think of a few simple resolutions, which could be as practical as waking up 90 minutes before class every day or getting off your phone an hour before bedtime. More importantly, choose resolutions that are worthwhile and rewarding. In the grander picture, the choices you are making now in this pivotal period will shape the rest of your life.
With the fall semester already started, I wanted to share my four semester resolutions. Hopefully, they spark some inspiration for you or even start a conversation:
1. I resolve to watch more sunrises than Netflix.
Ironically, I learned this lesson one night when I was binge-watching a Netflix series until 5 am. When I walked outside into the cool morning air, I saw the sun slowly rise above the horizon and it hit me: How could I take this beautiful view for granted almost every day?
2. I resolve to stop saying “I will do it later” for the things I should do now.
I confess that I procrastinate and avoid things to cope when faced with deadlines. Throughout my undergraduate education, I’ve learned that starting on responsibilities sooner and taking small action steps to complete them relieves stress (a lesson for you, underclassmen).
3. I resolve to reduce my screen time.
There is a grand difference between not having enough time to do something and not making it a priority. How many hours did you spend on your phone today, according to your screen time (which may be called something else if you’re not an iPhone user)? What other valuable things could you have done today with some of the time you spent on your phone?
4. Above all, I resolve to keep my eyes fixed on eternity.
The gospel is the fountain from which every aspect of my life flows from. Although my life is short, His words stands forever. Each morning I wake up is an opportunity to live for His glory and to share His gospel to people whose souls will last forever. Therefore, my time use on and off my phone should matter in light of eternity.
One action step in this resolution is to listen to the Bible every day on my favorite (and free!) audio app, StreetlightsBible. This unique Bible audio features light hip hop instruments in the background, which helps contextualize the scene and mood. Streetlights also features different voices for each character. There is something timeless about how the medium of music can enhance how we understand and appreciate the written text. I am eternally grateful for God’s Word in both mediums.
What are your semester resolutions? I resolve to _______.
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