Freshmen Faux Pas

Written in an unspoken imaginary book are guidelines that set freshmen apart from upperclassmen at Cairn. Every year without fail, there are certain characteristics about “baby cairns” (that’s my favorite terminology for freshmen here) that everyone just tends to follow. If you want to make it obvious that you are a freshman, then here are some surefire things that will set you apart as such. If you don’t want to act like a newbie, then here are some things to avoid. So without further ado, here are things that make freshmen…freshmen:
- Wearing a name badge or your student ID around your neck. While that was super nice of Student Life to provide you with a Cairn lanyard, upperclassmen ditch them after Student Welcome and Orientation and hide their student ID in their wallet.
- Using a tray in the cafeteria. Other than faculty/staff, no one really uses the trays in the cafeteria…it’s a little too much like high school. The trays are awesome sleds in the winter though, although you didn’t hear it from me…
- Trying too hard to look fashionable. We tend to think that people pay really close attention to what we are wearing, when in reality, no one really notices what we are wearing. But men, this is not an excuse to wear the same two outfits over and over, because yes, that we do notice (with our eyes and our nose…)
- Stressing over every single grade. Getting grades back can be a stressful time, but if you don’t ace every assignment, don’t sweat it! There are so many assignments you’ll have to do for every class and your grade will not change that much due to a couple of rough grades. Don’t go into an assignment or a quiz telling everyone, “I’m totally gonna fail!!!” Chances are, no matter what grade you get, your grade will be pretty consistent. And I’m sure you’ll do better than you think…professors tend to give you credit for trying (especially as a freshman!).
- Taking way too many notes. Although the professor will say a lot of important things, you don’t need to write down every single thing they say. It’s distracting to the rest of the class when you constantly interrupt the professor to say, “Do we need to know this on the test?” Either write it down or don’t….no need to stress every detail! Most professors ignore picayune details and are more interested in the big picture.
- Bringing textbooks to first week of class. Most professors don’t require you to bring your textbooks; they are just for homework. Save your back the weight of your books and leave them behind unless the professor tells you otherwise.
- Asking to go to the bathroom or what you need to make up if you miss class. You are paying an arm and a leg (such an odd saying) to be in the class, and at the end of the day it is your choice as to when you come and go. Don’t make the professor accommodate you, as there are others in the class who are dealing with their own needs.
- Carrying around your class schedule and looking around like a tourist. It’s natural to not know where your class is, but walking around like a lost puppy definitely labels you as a freshman. Mentally map out your classes before you go.
- Starting every conversation exactly the same way. “Hi, what’s your name, what’s your major?” Literally every conversation is the same between freshman. Yes, it’s something to say, but you want to be friends with people who have a different major than you anyway, so branch out and meet people outside of your typical circle. It’s easy to befriend people that you’ll always have classes with, but many people end up changing their major anyway.
- Scoping out the opposite sex for your wife/husband. While it’s natural to be attracted to the opposite sex, don’t be one of those freshmen that start dating someone right away. Get to know yourself in this new stage of life before inviting someone else into the mix. Be friends first, and decide whether you want to date later. Remember, you’re at Cairn for your B.A. or B.S, not your Mr. or Mrs.
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