Get to Know Mr. Cairn!

I had the opportunity to interview this year’s Mr. Cairn, Kyle Saar!
We all know about your recent success as Mr. Cairn, but we would love to know a little more about you. So tell us the basics.
I’m a senior. It’s my fourth year here. I’m a social work major, I guess one of the last few here. I’m from Mullica Hill, New Jersey, so it’s an hour south of here.
Why did you choose to come to Cairn University?
There’s a couple of friends I have here from high school. The one who got me to come was Faith, she’s in the music department and she was already coming here. So through her, I heard about Cairn. As I whittled the decision down, it became here or Cedarville. One of the biggest reasons for coming here was how close Cairn was to home.
So, what has been a highlight of your time at Cairn besides Mr. Cairn?
I enjoy a lot of the events that they put on, especially the garden party and the gala. Bible classes, definitely, although I’m a social work major. When I first started, I was a youth and family ministry major, and I really liked Bible courses. Even if it wasn’t for a grade, I would love to sit and listen to the Bible professors talk, because I like learning about that.
What is one thing that people wouldn’t guess about you when they first meet you?
Maybe how nervous I can be. I’m this weird mix of introverted and extroverted. I’m very extroverted with my friends, and then when it comes time to talk to new people, I’m kind of quiet. But if we’re in a group project and somebody needs to tell the teacher what we’re doing, I find myself standing up and saying what it is. For Mr. Cairn I was nervous too. Because I have no idea, the order of events, what other people are doing, how I’m going to compare to the other people who are competing.
Based on your performance at Mr. Cairn, I had no idea you were nervous at all.
When I first heard of it, I had the song I sung come to me right away.
Speaking of the song, was there any meaning behind “Beyond the Sea”?
I wasn’t really sure if I would do Mr. Cairn. My girlfriend encouraged me to, So I signed up and I read what it was, and the first thing that came in my head was “Beyond the Sea”. At first, I doubted and thought I should do a Cairn theme, something about a different path. Maybe something that showed off deeper, lower notes. But then I stuck with my original idea. That song has a lot of value to me because it’s the song that plays at the credits of Finding Nemo and when I was little, my parents would pick me up and dance with me to this song, and they would dance with each other. They’re swing dancers, and they would dance to this song with me.
What a great story! Do you have any other favorite songs?
I have a favorite hymn, “Because He Lives”. I really like the words.
What advice would you give to any future Mr. Cairns?
I would say that you have to grab the heart of the audience and also the judges. Do something that you like to have fun. I’m glad I chose that song, as much as I like other music I could have picked from. So go up and have fun, be silly if you want to, but you also have to show them that you want to win and that you do have the talent to pull it off. I remember one thing I was being nervous about: “Do I want friends to come to this or not?” ‘Cause I had no idea what it was going to be like, and I was like, “Do I tell my friends that I signed up? Or do I not tell other people?” For all I knew, it was going to be ten people in the ADR. So I didn’t know that it was going to be a big event. But I would say to a future Mr. Cairn who’s like, “Oh, I’m nervous, you know, is it going to be awkward? Should I bring my friends?” I would say, “You know what, do it.” And they’re your friends so maybe if you mess up or something, they might get a laugh out of it. Invite friends and have people there to support you.
Many thanks to Kyle Saar on behalf of The Scroll
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