Gobble Games Review

So Thanksgiving break is almost upon us. I am only two classes away from the joy of turkey, stuffing, and family. Given the anticipation for the season, the Gobble Games event last weekend was perfectly timed to look forward to the joy of Thanksgiving break.
Overall, I think it was a good idea for an event. Personally, I was not able to attend, but after talking those who did it seemed like it was a good time had by all. It is definitely an event for the more competitive at heart, especially since the winning team received champion t-shirts.
The only place where this event was lacking was in the amount of people who attended, which is not something that the SPA has any control over. I knew when the games would take place, and I saw multiple advertisements in printed posters, instagram stories, and chapel videos.
Maybe it is just the timing of the semester that makes it a little inconvenient for most students. Usually any extra event or activity around the crunch point of the semester is not largely attended because students are so immersed in their end of the year assignments. I think this event fell into this category. If you are expecting a large turnout at an event, you don’t run an event for the first time right before Thanksgiving break; however, that being said, I think if this event continues to be an annual occurrence people will come out because they know for sure that it will be a good time. It just might take a couple years to establish this.
I definitely do think that this event should happen again: I think the idea in concept is both creative and competitive. The timing of the event was very appropriate for the season, and I think that with a little reworking it could continue to be a great annual event on campus that is looked forward to and widely attended.
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