Into the Comfortable Unknown
First Coffee with the President this Year

Last week, as the final dregs of Hurricane Florence soaked our campus and our spirits, my intrepid editor sent me off into a strange land of donuts and discussion. Few people I asked knew what the Coffee with the President was, let alone had ever actually attended the event. So I went forth into that strange country, meekly fording a river ‘beyond the fields we know’ as Lord Dunsany would say. Why should you care? Give me a couple minutes of your time and I’d be happy to let you know why I think you should.
This guy again? What is it this time?: Coffee with the President, a chance for students to sit around and ask Dr. Williams pretty much anything they want in a relaxed setting with free coffee and fancy donuts.
Free food? I’m listening. Why should I care?: Probably like most of us, I have known of coffee with the president since my freshman year, but I had no desire to check it out until I was asked to write a story about it. I have to say, I’m really glad I did. It was a great event. It was almost like a really low-key version of the White House press room, a lot of people sitting around and asking questions of the president. We talked about a wide range of topics, ranging from campus life to American politics.
Our struggle with the new schedule seems to be ongoing and made up a solid portion of early conversation. Dr. Williams admitted that he, just like us, hasn’t quite adjusted to the new schedule yet. However, the block strategy makes more sense than our old system, and only really works if the whole university does it as a unit. While we’ve had some struggles such as meal times, odd class times, and shorter breaks between classes, the positives have generally outweighed the negatives and the school is running smoother as administration works on fixing unintended consequences of the change. Also, the permit delays on our new cafe have thrown a monkey wrench into administration’s earlier plan to have a more convenient place to get food in a hurry closer to classrooms.
Another student voiced concerns over lessened chapel requirements and the odd starting time, which Dr. Williams did not favor. However, he also made the point that the quality of the chapel should be more important than the quantity of the chapel. Scheduling chapel speakers and music is extremely difficult and the new Wednesday chapels make scheduling worlds easier for the staff.
Once we stepped away from administrative questions we broached an impressive swath of topics: The presidencies of Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan, the proper Christian attitude towards patriotism and diversity, and what it takes to be a great leader. These topics, though divisive were approached in a thoughtful, respectful manner that stopped the room from becoming overwhelmed by the usual feelings of bitterness and awkwardness that accompanies political conversation in our current time. It was healthy and constructive. I’m so glad I actually had a chance to go.
Okay, you got me at Jimmy Carter, when do these cerebral hootenannies take place?: They’re held on various nights throughout the academic year and are widely advertised beforehand.
I don’t have to drive anyplace or wear anything fancy, right?: Nope, they’re held in the living room of Dr. William’s house on campus right by the back entrance and they’re casual.
How many other people will be there?: There were about thirty students while I was there.
I don’t have to mingle, do I?: Not unless you want to, but there are mingling donuts, and mingling with donuts is better than mingling without donuts or donuts without mingling. Mingling is a fun word.
Are they bribing you to talk this up?: Not at all. I was skeptical before I went, but got a lot out of it once I did. I believe that anyone who cares about current events on campus, in our community, or throughout the world would relish this opportunity and take advantage of it while they can. If you’re interested and haven’t gone yet, please go.
Did you accidentally walk into Dr. Williams’ hedge while you were texting?
Yes, yes I did.
1 Comment
I’ve never been to one of these events, and I’m glad to know a bit more about what goes down. This was interesting and helpful, thank you!