Kick Off the New School Year

Friday’s Kick Off BBQ forewent the Hawaiian theme of previous years, yet its efforts to bring together students of every class was a resounding success. With this, everyone gathered to celebrate the new school year, as well as the completion of their first week. Thanks to Pioneer, students came together over a selection of hot dogs, hamburgers, and many other options. People congregated at tables and on the grass to enjoy the meal and bathe in the sun. After the meal was finished, an ice cream bar was opened, a refreshing addition to the annual barbeque.
Teams formed to play a wide array of games, such as Kan Jam, Corn hole, Spike Ball, volleyball, and badminton. Friendly rivalries were sparked, which will certainly be revived at next year’s barbeque. As is tradition, many participated in the watermelon eating contest. They ate with incredible speed and ferocity, many struggling to contain their quarter of a melon within their straining stomachs.Yet one, Micah Leary, emerged victorious. Drenched in juice, he posed proudly with his rind for several pictures.
With this, the Scroll would like to thank all who made this event possible, and very memorable. Likewise, we want to congratulate students on surviving their first week. Good luck and best wishes to all students, staff, and faculty for the upcoming school year.

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