Life after Cairn (for a Professor, that is)

On July 31, 2015 I officially ended my nine-year tenure as a professor at Cairn University. It was a bittersweet day. Bitter because Cairn University has been an integral part of my life since I was a young child. Sweet because I was leaving for all of the right reasons. As some of you know, God has led me to work full time as a missionary – training Christian School teachers from many of the countries in the Global South (countries in Africa, Southeast Asia, and South America). God had given me a dream of doing this back in 2000, but I wasn’t properly prepared…now the timing is right.
So what has life been like since leaving Cairn?
First, it has been busy – but in a different way than the academic world. I have been pursuing financial and prayer support from wherever God will provide. I am currently about $400 short per month of what I need to start full time. For those of you who are wondering…yes, it is difficult to ask people to financially support a ministry, but I’m glad to do it. I try to remember that God promises to bless those who give. My job is simply to ask. His job is to lead people to give to the ministry. I have been writing letters, making phone calls (these are the hardest) and visiting people. Visiting is my favorite part. I miss seeing my students every day. I figure that in the past nine years, I would interact with a MINIMUM of 70 people a day. Some days now the most I will interact with is just 3! I love getting the opportunity to sit down with acquaintances of “old” and finding out how they are doing and what God is doing in their lives. AND during this time, I usually don’t have to think about the need to leave soon. I used to have to keep an eye on time because of my class/meeting schedule.
Second, it has been scary. I have been officially unemployed for 6 months. This means that I have had no income (of any substance) over that time period. This is after 29 years of steady income. In Scripture, God tells us not to worry about what we will eat or drink, or what we’re clothed with – He loves us, and He makes sure we have all we need. I can testify to God’s provision! There have been days that I have had to remind myself not to worry, but to rest in God’s provision. For example, today I’m sitting here writing this article while my car is being examined. Will I need a new head gasket ($2,000 repair!) or will the car be OK? No matter what, I know that God will provide, but it doesn’t mean I’m never scared.
Third, I have found that the time has been relaxing. I didn’t realize how 29 years in academics had affected my schedule. My life has been a series of well-organized, scheduled days. I now have to figure out how to best use the time in a day. Some days, my “work day” doesn’t start until 11 AM. Other times, I’ll “work” all weekend. I’m learning how to be a good steward of time that isn’t so scheduled. Of course, the pace is much more relaxing in most ways.
One thing I have not experienced is a sense of insecurity. I know that this is where God has led me. He has prepared me for the work I am to do and I am excited to get started. I remember Dr. Williams encouraging you students as you started at Cairn University to put aside any doubt: this is where God has you for now – so live here and now with all your energy. That’s how I feel. God has led me to this new ministry and I’m going at it with all of my energy. That doesn’t mean I won’t come visit Cairn, though. I’m an alumnus and now a faculty alumnus – I care about you all and what “my” school is doing. Maybe someday I’ll see you on campus!
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