Little Women

Little Women. Louisa May Alcott. 546 pp. Grosset & Dunlap, 1947, 1868.
By Madison Errichetti.
Secondary Math Education, Fall ’17.
March 25, 2015
Two years ago on March 25th I finished reading Little Women by Louisa May Alcott for the first time. Since then, I have reread the book and enjoyed it just as much, if not more, the second time around. Generally, I am not one to read books over again, but there’s something special about Little Women. While I could go on talking about it for quite some time, I’ll let my initial reaction speak for itself. Here are some thoughts I wrote down immediately after finishing the book.
“I’ve just finished Little Women and I find myself speechless. When I first checked it out from the library I found that it was a little over 800 pages. A daunting task to be sure, but there have been few times that I’ve felt as satisfied as I do in this moment. The book had such a way of drawing you in and making you feel as though you were part of the family. It was as if I endured the same hardships and joys that they did. I felt the relief of Mr. March returning safe from the war and I cried alongside the family as they mourned the loss of sweet Beth.
I don’t believe I’ve ever before had the privilege of reading a book and finding that at the end I am changed. I feel as though I have aged with the characters. In the span of one week, I’ve experienced fifteen years of growth. I watched Meg transform from a daughter with dreams of a finer life to a mother who sees her husband and children as her true riches. I saw Amy go from a girl with hopes of fame and success to a woman absorbed with blessing others. Finally, I watched Jo struggle through the difficulties of life and yet, against all odds, overcome and thrive beautifully.
This book had its morals woven in with such care that it was like taking medicine hidden within a spoonful of sugar. I learned about the bond of family, the difficulties yet beauties within marriage, the struggles of parenthood, and the endurance of a Christian walk. As I reflect on all that I’ve read, the part that seems to refuse to leave my mind is the simplicity and beauty of life. When we cherish one another and focus not on ourselves, but on those we love, we are all the more blessed for it.”
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