Looking Forward

The 2016-2017 academic year is drawing to a close: final exams are around the corner, final projects are in full swing, and the last days of classes are in a progressive countdown. Interesting events have taken place this past year in the political/social news, national news, and even changes on our own Cairn campus. As we take time to reflect on our past year, we must consider the future: this coming summer, next fall, and next spring.
For some of us, major changes will be coming our way next school year. These changes could manifest themselves in a transition of resident site, exchange of roommate, or switch of academic track. As college students, it is rather easy to fall into a cycle of mindless acceptance: accepting change as it comes, striving to “roll with the punches,” and avoiding friction. We should strive as Cairn University students to adapt to change as it comes our way and should strive to find God’s will in all of it, no matter if life’s twists are in our favor or seemingly against it. Looking forward should be done with a level of anticipation and humility and, as Cairn students who are taught to incorporate a biblical worldview with their own worldview, looking forward should be done with a level of godly reverence and thankful reflection, keeping in mind all that God has done, and all that He will do.
Change is not always welcome here at Cairn; this past year, we saw a considerable shift in Cairn’s atmosphere. The face of the spirit rock transformed in the days following the election of America’s new president, as did the climate of student interactions regarding politics. The face of the Highlander bleacher section and social media accounts grew in spirit due to the new Sports Information Director. And yet, with the change of resident site availability, the smiling faces of many students seemed to turn downward. With all of these adjustments, however, there have been several positive results: results we cannot forget as we transition into next year.
As Donald Trump was elected America’s president, Cairn students were provided the opportunity to voice opinion, experience confrontation, and hopefully grow in their tolerance level and ability to process differing perspectives. With Matt Fenton as our new SID, Cairn’s athletic spirit seemed to double as athletes were commemorated with pictures, video, and fantastic graphic designs, ultimately adding to the spirit of Cairn’s community. And with the removal of the housing option of Penndel apartments for next year, students learned to handle disappointment and roll with the unexpected changes life sometimes delivers often in unexpected ways.
Despite the positive and negative transitions that took place on Cairn’s campus this past year, they ultimately sharpened and developed character. Additionally, changes are often a part of God’s plan for us; these curveballs bring about the painful, yet beneficial, process of sanctification. Although these shifting periods may include pain or discomfort, the result in our lives is beautiful and worthwhile.
So as we head into the next year, looking forward to all that God will do for us and through us, as individuals, as students, as a Cairn community, and as a nation, we must not forget the events of the past. These changes have influenced our current character, and brought us to our current point: teetering on the precipice of the 2016-2017 school year.
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