Masland Library’s Hidden Treasures

This past weekend, as I was gathering articles for my research paper on the Masland Library database, I came across the most interesting thing: the Cairn library has a blog. In addition to this fact, I explored the library’s Facebook page, only to learn that the library conducts treasure hunts in the library. It only took me three years to discover this (probably due to my own oblivion, I’m sure the library advertises it all).
The Masland Library blog is essentially a collection of posts written by the library student workers. From book reviews, to interesting finds wedged between the pages of the library books, these posts are interesting, entertaining, and written by your friends. As I was perusing these articles, I was pleasantly surprised to find blog posts based on several different topics: Nicole Vila wrote a post entitled “Four Tips for Successful Job Interview,” Emily Tielmann wrote a post on how to live gladly, and Kara Williams wrote a book review on a book entitled, The Stork is Dead. You can visit these posts directly by clicking on the underlined phrases, or visit the homepage of the blog by clicking here.
As previously mentioned, the library offers treasure hunts! The last treasure hunt was held in November; Caleb Daubenspeck won a $25 Amazon gift card. You can find out more about these treasure hunts by reviewing the Masland Library at Cairn University Facebook page by clicking the title. In addition to running the treasure hunts, the Masland Library’s Facebook page also offers details for different events the library endorses. For instance, on March 22nd the Short Story Reception is being held at 4pm, and on April 19th there is a Bob Dylan Poetry Event.
In addition to these interesting facts about the library, it is worth noting that in addition to the cart of free books available by the doors, and the books for sale on the carts by the staircase, there are more books for sale downstairs to the left. Although these books may be slightly older in publication date, they function as great points of reference, and even inspiration; the best part is that they’re priced at only a dollar or two.
Finally, one of the greatest features of the library people may not realize is the ability to “check out” a study room. The rooms at the back of the library are only available by checking out a key at the front desk, but the rooms are fabulous for private study away from your bedroom, great places to do group work or have group meetings, and quiet places to buckle down and get started on impending assignments. If you were not aware of these study rooms before, make sure to take advantage of their availability.
I hope you learned something interesting from this article on library facts. Check out the blog, like the Facebook page, attend the poetry event, buy a book, and rent a study room, all from our library. And remember, our Cairn library is definitely a resource that aids in productivity and academic enrichment, and I encourage you to take advantage of it!
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