My Year on the Nexus Team

As my third year at Cairn quickly comes to an end, I feel the need to discuss and reflect on my year-long role as a student ambassador.
Last April, I was recommended to apply for a student worker position in the Welcome Center. Being the extroverted person I am, I jumped all over it.
The interview process was less intimidating than I initially thought. After the first interview, I was called in for a second interview, which I was super excited about. The goal for the second interview required each student interviewed to try and sell a product. While I won’t bore you with the details, my results were successful. I got the call a few weeks later that I got the position as a student worker in the Welcome Center, and I couldn’t have been more thrilled!
Summer hit and my role as a student worker began. There were PLENTY of students to tour during the week. In fact, I think I toured over 50 students just during summer tours. Some prospective students came from as much as 10-12 hours away or as little as 5 minutes away. While I knew what the job entailed, what I couldn’t prepare myself for was the overwhelming presence of God working through me. You see, each student I toured had a different interest, desire, and upbringing. Each family I toured either challenged me (in a good way) and taught me more about myself and my knowledge, or encouraged me to always go the extra mile in serving people. I learned that each individual has his/her own story that produces a set of experiences and beliefs. But for every person I met, God worked through me to best help them with their questions or concerns, as well as making their campus tour special and memorable. Our cultures could be seemingly worlds apart. It’s unpredictable, but that’s the beauty in coming out of your comfort zone and meeting new people.
I remember (pretty much) each student I toured over summer. It was even more exciting to see them arrive for SOAR day in August of 2016! Seeing their excited faces made my job worthwhile and purposeful.
My position as a student worker has shown me how to be a team-player. I mean, we have a heck of a Nexus team, and I couldn’t be more privileged to have served with every other student worker during the ‘16-’17 school year. We shared MANY laughs and great times together from serving prospective students for Open House Events, SOAR day, and even personal visits. My team remained respectful and patient with every individual who walked through those Welcome Center doors. I couldn’t have asked for a better or more encouraging team than them to work with in my first year.
S/O to my supervisor Kristina O’Connell who worked with me over the summer and trained me on everything I needed to know for my role. She has answered all my (sometimes stupid) questions — even if I asked three times before (I’m always cautious). She supported and encouraged me throughout my time there, and for that, I am entirely grateful.
Each of my fellow co-workers, supervisors and admissions counselors made my job feel like a little family. The Nexus Fam. That’s what we are. I saw Christ work through each and every one of us this school year. Through this position, I met so many different professors from the different majors at Cairn, faculty, and of course, the prospective students.
Never once did I take my role there for granted and I am grateful for all that it has taught me and how it has allowed me to grow as a professional student. People might say, “Oh, you’re just a student worker. It’s really not that big of a deal.” But for me, it was a big deal, and it will always be one of the biggest impacts on my life as a student who is soon graduating and going out into the real world.
Now, as I head into my last FULL year at Cairn, I will carry each of these experiences and moments with me as I meet the real world and take on new jobs. As a social work major, this job taught me to always stay on my toes; treat every individual you come in contact with respect, compassion, and love; put my best foot forward; and listen to other’s needs (and talk less). These skills were exactly what I needed to learn before I head into my one-day placement this fall! I am grateful for these experiences, and I will definitely miss working with the Nexus team next year.
To those who are starting their student worker positions on the Nexus team for the ‘17-’18 school year, remember a few things: don’t take your position for granted, let God work through you before you decide to take the wheel, and remain patient with every person you meet.
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