Org Fair Recap

On September 7th 2022, Cairn University held their annual Club and ORG Fair in the upper MAC lobby from 4-7pm.
The fair gives students the opportunity to learn about the different clubs offered at Cairn University. Representatives from each club were able to set up a table and tell students about their organization as they passed through the MAC lobby. There was a total of 11 clubs represented at the fair and students had the chance to talk to leaders about their clubs and see if they had any interest in joining.

Students expressed their gratitude for the fair and overall people seemed excited to see all the different groups Cairn has to offer. “I loved [the fair], I think it’s a great resource for people to meet all the different clubs and organizations and get involved on campus,” Sophomore Michelle Matthias said.
Cairn University offers a wide variety of clubs that any student can join. If students are interested in planning events, the Student Cultural Association and Student Planning Association are two organizations that are dedicated to organizing events that bring the Cairn community together.
If a student had a cause they felt passionate about, or simply would like to hear more about, clubs such as the Pro-Life club offer a great place to find resources or simply find more information.
Finally, if a student was simply looking for a place to express their creativity or hone their artistic skills, groups like the SVAS and the Level Up are a great way to meet friends who share your interests and to show off your talents.

It’s plain to see there’s a place for everyone at Cairn, and what better way to express that than by finding groups and clubs to participate in. “College is kind of what you make it, and if you don’t put yourself out there nobody’s going to come out and make you get out there. You need to put in what you want. Getting involved with a club or organization is a good way to meet people and make those friends that you want for a lifetime,” Matthias added.
Below is a full list of all the clubs and organizations present at the fair, as well as how you can contact them for more information or to join:
Student Government Association
Student Programs Association
Student Visual Arts Society
Health & Sciences club
Pro-Life Club
Student Cultural Association
Cairn Chapt. of Thomistic Institute
Cairn Chorale
And last but not least, your humble student newspaper: The Scroll
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