Our Student Body President: Alex Crawford

Cairn University is an institution of many unique, highly qualified individuals stamping their mark on the university. People do this in many different ways; through academics, athletics, extracurricular activities, and their personalities, they make an impact on their university. I sat down with Alexander Crawford, a genuine man with a heart for the Lord, and learned about the trials that come along with being the student body president, along with his experiences at Cairn throughout his 4 years. Enjoy!
Question: What is your favorite part about Cairn University?
Cairn University provides a unique culture unlike any I have experienced before. Learning from experienced professionals, who are devoted to putting Christ first in their lives has helped me to grow as a person and professional. Interacting with fellow believers, encouraging one another, and being invested in the Cairn community has been a blessing that I will never forget.
Question: What skills does it take to be a student body president? Is there a sense of responsibility that comes with the position?
I believe that the most important aspect of being the student president is having a servant’s heart. I am surrounded by excellent leaders and a support system that has helped me through this two-year journey. I do not look at being the president as a responsibility, but rather as an opportunity. While it is important to make sure student groups are running programs well, I hope to inspire other students in their walks with Christ and use this platform to showcase all the Lord has done in my life and our campus.
Question: Along with being the student body president, I’ve noticed that you also work for admissions. How do you organize your busy lifestyle?
This semester has been a real whirlwind! While I am not the greatest with time management, I am certainly improving. I believe the key to accomplishing many feats at once is making sure that you have clear goals of what you are hoping to achieve that you are truly passionate about. Enjoying each day and living your life with a passion and purpose will aid in juggling all your activities. I have also been known to take some serious naps!
Question: Let’s get serious. What lessons has God taught you in your 4 years as a student at Cairn?
The Lord has truly taught me so many important lessons during my time at Cairn. The biggest struggle I have had while at Cairn is determining my career path. While I have always enjoyed business, I did not feel God specifically pointing me down a career path. Learning to trust God, and have patience, was difficult. Learning that my purpose will always be to love God, become more like Him, and spread the Gospel gave me a huge sense of relief. No matter what career I hold, my purpose and identity will always be rooted in God. After that I stopped stressing about getting a “great internship” and truly trusted God to guide my steps. I could live my life more joyfully, and God opened doors I would have never expected! Realizing that God knows me better than I know myself and that He has a specific plan for me allowed me to let go of stress and fear, living with a joy and purpose I have not experienced before.
Question: It is well known that you are a business major at Cairn; who is your favorite business professor?
It is difficult for me to give a specific answer to who is my favorite business professor because I feel that all of the professors have been such an excellent resource. Prof. Gaspar has provided numerous opportunities for me to enhance my skills, resume, and knowledge while providing invaluable feedback as an experienced professional. I have made so many relationships within the business department which have helped me to excel in my early career and personal life.
Question: What is your favorite sports team?
Being from Long Island, I am a Yankees, Giants, and Knicks fan. Due to the Knicks’ atrocious play, I can rule them out from my top spot! It would be a tossup between the Giants and Yankees.
Question: Do you have any heroes in your life? If so, who are they and why are they your heroes?
Both of my parents are my biggest heroes. Seeing the sacrifices they have made for me and for the betterment of those around them has been humbling. My parents have been great spiritual leaders, guidance offerors, and most importantly two of my greatest friends. Without their support, I would not be on the path I am today!
One dear friend of mine, Mr. Ackley, has also been an inspiration. Mr. Ackley’s extreme professional success as a Christian in a secular environment has inspired me to work to my greatest potential. His vigor for the Lord, in conjunction with his care for those around him, has helped me to take my schooling and career more seriously.
Question: What is your favorite blog?
YourFinances.Blog, hands down. This blog gives solid advice on how to become better off financially, invest in a better future, and improve your spiritual life. The author ain’t too bad looking either!
Final question: Who is your favorite WWE wrestler?
My sit-down with Alex allowed me to learn a lot about our student body president. Getting to know Alex has taught me a lot about spiritual health, as well as embracing who you are in what can be a very rough, fallen world at times. I hope you enjoyed getting to know Alex as much as I did, learning to accept oneself before the Lord and to do things that you love, even if that is taking naps and watching the WWE.
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