Readers, Have you ever had the joy of interacting with Cairn University’s own wonderful Professor Charlotte Gleason? She is an energetic spirit, a Tigger in her own right, and words tumble from her in such quick succession that sometimes one’s head swims from the pictures painted so quickly and with

I sit at my apartment table, plugging away on my laptop for hours. It’s only Monday, but it feels like I’m already behind. Finally, around 1pm, I reach a stopping place and heat up some homemade stew. Lunchtime at last! The microwave dingdingdings! and I cup my hands around the

Kindred spirits. A dress with puffed sleeves. A broken slate. Tasting ice cream for the first time. The beloved story of Lucy Maud Mongomery’s Anne of Green Gables starts with the titular character of Anne (spelled with an “e,” of course). The first and most popular novel tells of Anne’s

How was World Reach Week, Cairn? Maybe you’re a freshman and seeing all those missions tables was a little overwhelming. Perhaps you’re a seasoned student and have talked with some representatives from the many visiting groups, but you always seem to forget the ones that made the most impression. If

Wearily, I lug the loaded triboard poster from my car. The blacktop simmers beneath my shoes. It is hot as heck out here! I can’t wait for sweater weather. Looking up, I see others making this same trip up on the walkway, posters in their arms, too. I reckon it’s

I don’t know about you, but I grew up reading the Biblical book of Psalms as individual songs—laments for times of suffering and praises to God for times of rejoicing. I had never read or thought about them with the Gospel of Christ in mind. Even though this beautiful book

Have you ever thought to yourself, “Gee, I wish Buttercup from The Princess Bride had more autonomy and also a taser”? That’s how this book was pitched to me. (Well, almost. The taser part is my own flavoring. You’re welcome.) “That sounds amazing!” I said to my sister-in-law and her

Less than six inches outside the front step of The Rock Ministries’ main building, ahypodermic needle, its needle tip missing and filled with blood, laid on the concrete. Just downthe block from one of The Rock’s facilities, a store with a vibrant yellow sign displayed in allcapitals: “XXX VIDEO STORE.”

They call me a bookworm— a wriggling green insect  with glasses that slide down its noseless face, eating away  at every page it inches over,  hiding between the covers to avoid the outside world.  This picture is only partly true I am no lonely worm,  naive and secluded, but a

Writers have an adept ability to converse, but at times the consequence is a curse. Like bouncing balls inside my head are words and phrases I leave unsaid. Like a fly buzzing around my ear is a story asking to be made clear. Like a fog covering my whole being