College is perhaps the one place where individuals are most challenged, most in search of identity, and most in search of answers. Most often it is people, places, and things that hold these answers—what we allow to influence us truly molds us.   These past few days I have been

New roommate. New living space. New classes. New friends. “New”—a word used to describe the start of every school year. Yet with this newness that comes about, how are we, as children of God, able to find peace in environments that change so frequently? College freshmen are familiar with the

Okay, so we all have our opinions of the cafeteria. There is no pretending here really; everyone figures out by the end of the first week that the food can leave, well, more to be desired.  Sometimes the cafeteria pulls off a quality option, but most times you’re left “eating

Being at Cairn has provided me with several opportunities to cross paths with many students and friends. I realized very quickly that some had little support outside of the Cairn community. For those friends, coming to Cairn might have been their first genuine interaction with a loving Christian community focused

Coming into this program, people told me that it was going to be hard…this was true. I let these words have control over my actions coming into Arts & Culture. Walking into the classroom, we had assignments within the first week and I was really hesitant to let myself do

Dear Cairn, First of all, thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you for the long nights of homework where I learned that procrastination really doesn’t pay off, the late nights with friends that proved time is irrelevant when you’re having fun, the chapels where I cried, the chapels where

Dr. Dick (Richard) Emmons was born November 13, 1943, on a dairy farm in New Jersey.  His family included his parents and two brothers, along with his uncle’s family and their farm across the street.  One of the most popular pastimes he remembers as a kid was playing baseball with

The best professor, in my opinion, is my Church History professor, Anthony Daved Schmidt!!! He was also my professor last semester for World History Since 1600s. Professor Schmidt was extremely organized and well versed in the subject matter. He clearly spent a lot of time in preparation, as his Power

I think we all know who the ARDs are, even if we don’t recognize them. They’re that person who you know works with the RAs, but you never see them on rounds. They’re that person who is at every RHA event, but seem as if they’re doing everything other than just enjoying

It’s been over a week now, and no one’s written anything about the Gala, to the good or the ill. I guess it’s not a bad thing. Silence is the college student’s highest form of praise. If we’re not actively complaining, things are probably okay. But I’d like to break