Professor Shout-Outs

“I want to send a shout-out to my social work professor Cheryl Nitz! She’s the best!” – Hushai Severe
“Matt McAlack is one of the most amazing men I have ever met. He loves the Bible and teaches it with conviction, grace, and intensity. I also met with him for advice and he was so kind to me and extended much grace. He loves and cares for his students and if I could, I would totally be a youth ministry minor just to be with him in more classes. Seriously, I love him and I KNOW I am not the only student that feels that way. :)” -Anonymous
“My most influential professor this semester has to be Mr. Palladino for my integrated life course. I looked forward to coming to his class every time it met. He had such an energy about him that was hard to ignore. His discussions were engaging and so interesting. Above all I was moved the most by his knowledge. That man is brilliant. I envied the knowledge that he had on the history of everything we looked at. It was a sight to marvel when that light bulb would go off in his mind and he referred a book to the class or an interesting article on the topic at hand. He actually caused me to reflect on my other professors and see the commonality they all shared. I hope I am able to take Mr. Palladino for a full semester course sometime in the near future. Thank you Mr. Palladino!” -Lorry Rayme
“Dr. Krewson, you know how to balance teaching while allowing students to think for themselves. Your in-class discussions are always fun and productive, your gentle grading allows me to absorb the material, and you have a fatherly care for the development of your students. Thank you for all you teach!” -Anonymous
“Hello Professor Gaspar, It has been such an incredible time being in your International Business class. I’m honored to be among the very first wave of student that you’re teaching this year. You’ve done quite an outstanding job of doing so by teaching us the skills to pay the bills. Although it can get sketchy from time to time, we know that we can always rely on your wisdom. I’m looking forward to being in your class again next year.” -Roosevelt Nguyen
“Professor Ferner‘s stories are second only to Dr. Seuss; that man knows how to command a classroom and teach through examples. I would share a bowl of Campbell’s soup (Tomato) and some grilled cheese with him on any day of the week to listen to his life experiences. Mr. Ferner should be given the biggest party in history of Cairn University when he announces his retirement. Which hopefully is no time soon.” -Caleb Lang
“I appreciate Mrs. Fiori‘s dedication to art and excellency. She’s been doing art before I was born and has probably done art since she was born. I admire her attention to detail and her fluency with all manner of art language. I appreciate her utilization of French art terms such as “breadeth.” -Sincerely, Nate Schaeffer
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