Reaching the World! WRW Fall 2022

Well, that’s a wrap on Cairn’s biannual “World Reach Week,” where missionaries come to tell stories, present opportunities, and share about their ministries! The M.A.C. and the Sterns lobby were full of stations where students could receive information and personal advice about missions. The theme of missions was also brought into the classrooms. Mission Representatives presented information on their organizations in the classrooms throughout the week. The chapel speakers during this WRW were Don and Esther Parson’s with “Mission Eurasia.” Don Parson spoke in the first chapel session about how God’s heart beats for the nations, and so should ours. His messages throughout the week were very powerful as he taught from the book of Jonah. Esther Parson was also an impactful speaker; she shared a few testimonies of God’s grace while serving in Ukraine. She encouraged the Cairn student body to be open to the Lord’s leading even when you might think that you are unprepared.
The Parsons also shared heart-wrenching stories of the impact of the war in Ukraine. Some of their stories were accompanied by photos of houses burnt to the ground and of families in distress. While the war is wreaking havoc upon the Ukrainian people, Dan Parson shared that there is hope. Through the church the Parson’s have planted there have been many testimonies of restoration. During the final chapel on Friday, Don Parson welcomed a pastor from Ukraine on stage with him. The students applauded generously as he tearfully made his way to the stage. The pastor was overwhelmed by the photos of the destruction in Ukraine, but still presented a message of hope. I was personally moved by his passion for the Lord and his faith that the Lord’s name will be made known.
While the messages this week were powerful, the activities of World Reach Week extended far beyond the chapel. Ashley Hosan and Michelle Hopping from the ministry called “Serge” led a session on Tuesday morning entitled “Using your Major in Global Missions.” Hosan and Hopping explained how all kinds of people can be used in the mission field. Later that day, there was a prayer meeting in the commuter lounge followed by a session entitled “Your Profession on Mission” led by Joel Jenney from “Crossworld.” This meeting took place in Holmes hall at 5:00 and ended just in time for dinner. On Wednesday, there was a lunch meet-up led by Michael and Debbie Bannon. Later Wednesday night, there was a short-term mission trip interest meeting where the five mission trips offered by Cairn were presented. In this meeting, trips to Spain, Kenya, New York, Mexico, and Albania were discussed in detail. Thursday’s activities began with a session entitled “Making Disciples in Times of Crisis: simple principles for effective disciple-making wherever you are.” This session was led by Gary Rowland of “International Project.” Later that day there was a musician from the Netherlands playing guitar and lute in BL 210. Thursday night concluded with the “World Feast” where many different cultural foods were given out to students in Heritage Hall.
In my experience, World Reach Week was very eventful and convicting. I learned how to take the great commission more seriously. My eyes were also opened to cultural differences and various needs in other countries. It is so amazing that Cairn students are given many opportunities to serve locally and around the world. As Don Parson declared, Our hearts should “beat for the nations” because God’s heart beats for the nations. We must spread the gospel with joy, knowing that we can be vessels of God’s glory. The command for missions is laid out for us in Mathew 28:19-20: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
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