RIDE International

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream that one day, discrimination would come to an end and people from different nations would learn to help one another succeed. Cairn Enactus had the opportunity to do just that on January 16, 2017. The Cairn Enactus RIDE International team was invited by Bethany Christian Services to help refugees gain basic knowledge of the work environment here in the United States and how best to pursue employment. The refugees are from many different countries and cultures including Pakistan, Afghanistan, Congo, Haiti, Syria, Egypt, and Côte d’Ivoire. Their ages range from minors to middle-aged adults and each is intently focused on how best to prepare themselves for assimilation in their new country. The event included a seminar on job search skills and tips, skits showing the best and worst interviewing practices, as well as mock interviews conducted by students from the Schools of Social Work, Education, and Business. Each of our refugee-students expressed deep appreciation for the caring, thoughtful help they received – judging from how well they did in their mock interviews, the event was very successful!
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