Spirit Rock and Me: A Dialogue

To anyone reading this who is unfamiliar with Cairn’s campus: On campus, there is a spirit rock that allows students to spray paint whatever is on their mind that they believe should be voiced to the school. Most times, the rock is painted for school related events (ex. “Congrats class of 2016” during graduation); however, the rock has seen more face changes in this past week than it has ever seen previously. Below, I have recorded the various messages that the rock has voiced over the past week, paired with my thoughts on those messages.
Rock: “Jesus was a Refugee, and He wasn’t white either”
Me: Two valid points. Jesus’s family had fled to Egypt to escape death by King Herod (this was actually a prophecy fulfilled). Jesus was also a Jew living in the Middle East, so yes he was also, most definitely, not as pale as me. Good job, spirit rock. You are very factual. But why did you feel the need to say this? I understand that that the issue of refugees is a hot topic in our culture, but what about mentioning Jesus’s race contributes to the unity of our community?
Rock: “Jesus is our Refuge”
Me: Also a valid statement. Jesus is our refuge in time of prosperity and in distress. This would be a good thing to say at any point in time, but I feel that you are saying this just in retaliation of your previous statement. While you are right, and are right to be bothered by the divisiveness of your last statement, this statement is equally as divisive.
Rock: “The Least of These- Matthew 25”
Me: Oh yes, another valid point. We are supposed to care for the least of these, but in the context of Matthew 25, Jesus is actually talking about his disciples and deliverers of the gospel. You’re not wrong that Jesus would also advocate that we help the poor and the needy (that is clearly displayed throughout all of Scripture). It is just ironic that you would use this verse to, again, attempt to use Scripture to divide the community rather than unite it for a single cause.
If you don’t believe my interpretation of the passage, you can read the article that built my understanding here:
Rock: TRUMP was a refugee
Me: Anddddd you lost me. Forget about valid points that are being used for the purpose of being divisive– this is just straight up trying to start a fight. I can’t imagine that you spray painted this in the day time.
Rock: “One in Christ. Unity over Differences. Galatians 3:28”
Me: Okay Rock, you have redeemed yourself. This is a message I can stand behind. Not to say that your other messages weren’t true, because they were (well, most of them anyway). Jesus was a refugee. He wasn’t white. He is our refuge. He wants us to advocate for those who need help. BUT all of these points are not worth bringing up if we are doing it in a spirit of bitterness with the intent of causing a divide in the church. Because, whether you like it or not, your primary community is the body of Christ, not your political party. There are vast differences between us, but we need to intentionally and humbly discuss these issues with each other. So stick with this message, dearest spirit rock. We will only be able to have effective discussions about our differences when we are united as one body, rather than divided over statements that we can fit on the face of a rock.
1 Comment
I really respect your perspective on this topic! But do want to reply to a part of this whole thing that has been really frustrating for me. Everyone seems to be upset with the part of the first rock pointing out Jesus was not white. I’m wondering how different it would be if we look at the intent of the message not as a political thing, but as a message meant to point us to Jesus’ humanity. How Deity truly came as a man, who if we saw today, society would deem pretty lowly. To boldly write that Jesus was a refugee and not white is so profound for our white driven culture today. It shows humility and the scandal of this middle eastern refugee we call our Savior. I wonder how different it would be if it was looked at from this perspective instead of purely politically or about Trump. Although I can’t really say the intent because I don’t know the intent behind it, that’s how I took it & commend them for taking a bold step. And maybe that step aided more so in revealing how sensitive a mostly white campus is when we say Jesus wasn’t “white like me”, forcing us to step into the shoes of someone vastly different than ourselves. But I view that as a good thing as well. This is all my perspective of course…