Student Theological Society

Student Theological Society – a.k.a. STS. You’ve probably heard it mentioned during chapel or as an extra credit opportunity for a Bible/Theology teacher; yet, most students don’t know a lot about STS and what its purpose is.
Led by president Moses DeHart and faculty advisor Dr. Plummer, the Student Theological Society is a group of students that consider how theology affects every part of our lives.
The club strives to do this in various ways. For example, during the fall semester, the Student Theological Society read through an introductory book on how to approach and do theology properly. Being that one of the purposes of theology is to draw us closer to God, meetings are also accompanied by a short time of worship led by Josh Handzlik.
The club also aims to foster spiritual development through events. This past fall, there was a discussion based event on whether competition is a biblical ideal and there was also a movie event on the subject of bioethics (both of which were really excellent events.) Luckily, STS will be hosting two more events this semester.
One event, taking place this Tuesday, March 7th, is going to be a lecture given by Dr. Liam Goligher. In this lecture, Goligher will be speaking about whether humans should use the Trinity as a model for human relationships.
The second event has yet to be determined but will take place sometime in April.
If the opportunity for theological reflection and exploration doesn’t intrigue you, it is worth noting that food (usually Chick-fil-a) is served at the events.
Though the title of the student organization sounds a bit esoteric, the Student Theological Society is really just a casual group of students who desire to increase their understanding of God; a desire that I am sure many other Cairn students have. And while having been typically made up of males exclusively, the club has two female cabinet members this year. Even some faculty members make appearances at events. Together, this creates an increased level of diversity that makes participation in this club very valuable.
So, if you haven’t yet, I highly encourage you to come out to an event or meeting of Student Theological Society. It’s a great way to be involved in the Cairn community and a unique opportunity to increase your understanding of your faith.
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