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Working on Campus
Okay, so chances are, you know someone who works on campus. It’s a pretty common thing here at Cairn, especially because many of the departments that we have here on campus are run and led by student workers. Student workers have become an integral part of Cairn University and is

Thanksgiving Part 1: The Cafeteria Staff
There is hard work that goes on behind the scenes, and too often people don’t acknowledge it because they don’t see it. Sometimes people don’t see there is a lengthy process to the seemingly simple things they see every day. Now, I am not here to shame anyone, but I

Cafeteria Food Complaints
The meal selection at Cairn University has been described by many as “mediocre” and “subpar.” Since the inception of “Pioneer College Caterers” at Cairn University, the students have been fairly displeased with the food that is being offered at meals. From moldy bread, rotten fruits, unhealthy selections, poor kitchen management,

The Upperclassmen Guide to Surviving Another Year of Cafeteria Food
Okay, so we all have our opinions of the cafeteria. There is no pretending here really; everyone figures out by the end of the first week that the food can leave, well, more to be desired. Sometimes the cafeteria pulls off a quality option, but most times you’re left “eating

Eating in the Cafeteria – As Told by GIFs
Whether you’re a resident or a commuter, you have eaten in the cafeteria at least once. Chances are, that one time left a strong impression on you. Here are the most common impressions left upon the student body as we experience years of cafeteria food. (For those of you, like