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Comfort is a Slow Death
Cairn’s boulder-billboard caught my eye today. It was decked out in some metallic silver spray paint, and had some black script scrawled across it. I mulled over the mantra tattooed on the boulder’s face, “Comfort is a slow death,” and wondered. At first viewing, I thought that perhaps the rock

My Brother Goes to Cairn Too
Kyle Castner— that’s him. My brother. No, he’s not my twin. I’m a year and a half older. Some people say it’s the eyebrows that make us look alike, others say it’s the mouth. Honestly, I have a hard time seeing the resemblance most of the time. Kyle and I

A Depressed and Anxious Christian
“Christians can’t suffer from anxiety or depression…That’s like an oxymoron.” “God would never give a follower of his a mental disorder like depression that they would need medicine to overcome.” “Anxiety and depression aren’t real mental disorders. They are just a lack of faith, trust in God, and

Thin Walls
Word travels fast at Cairn. Whether you’ve recently started a relationship or have recently ended one. Whether you’ve written a funny tweet or have been the most recent person to have had a “corrective conversation” with Dean Sherf, odds are people that you have never met or talked to know

Make Your Own: Critical Thinking vs. A Spirit of Criticality
For those of you have never read a rubric for a paper, it usually includes the phrase “critical thinking.” At Cairn, if you have ever taken a class with Professor Palladino or Dr. Ebersole, they intentionally stress and promote the development of critical thinking skills: asking thoughtful questions of texts,

An Open Letter Farewell to Cairn University
Dear Cairn, First of all, thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you for the long nights of homework where I learned that procrastination really doesn’t pay off, the late nights with friends that proved time is irrelevant when you’re having fun, the chapels where I cried, the chapels where

Nexus- An Incredible Opportunity
Becoming aware of the blessings that are right in front of you is such a humbling experience. That is exactly what happened to me when I became a Nexus Student Ambassador for Cairn University in the fall of 2015. Coming into Cairn as a freshman, I knew that this school

The Apathy of Cairn Students Revealed
Apathy. It’s the worst possible thing that can attack the Christian heart, and with just eighteen days left in the semester, it is a disease that has infected the Cairn community. It spreads from person to person, pervading deep into the heart and mind. We suddenly find ourselves not caring

The Cairn Chick-fil-A Culture
“Oh great, it’s Cairn students,” I heard my manager say as she took off her glasses to wipe her tired eyes. How often I have heard that reaction reiterated throughout my work experience at Chick-fil-A. After working there for the past two years, I watched many Cairn students saunter into

The Lord is my Cairn
The LORD is my Cairn; I shall not be moved. He makes me lie down in soft dorm beds. He leads me beside still ponds. He restores my grade. He guides me down a different path For his name’s sake. Even though I walk through dark halls Toward final