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Worship at Cairn
Cairn is a nondenominational university, opening its doors to students from every branch of Christianity. This mixing of students gives many the opportunity to broaden their horizons and challenges their beliefs in a way that will strengthen their faith. However, this challenging of faith occasionally leads to friction. The most

We are His Poem: A Discussion of Worth
If you were in chapel last Wednesday (March 8th), you know how good it was. If you weren’t there, you definitely missed out. I am not alone in my opinion that this past chapel was one of the best hours I have ever spent on campus. While I could go on

A Resolution for Chapel
We are still in the month of January, so hopefully your new year’s resolutions are still going strong. This year I made two (in the hope that I would be successful with one of them). My first resolution is to eat healthier by not eating fried Chick-fil-A food when

To Be Out of the Cairn Loop
This semester, I have felt completely out of the loop at Cairn. Sure, I am the editor of The Scroll, and so I know what’s going on regarding the specific topics that students choose to write about. However, I feel much more out of touch with the goings-on of Cairn

Coming Back to the Heart of Worship
As the semester nears its halfway point and the weather begins to crawl upwards of a constant 40 degrees or less, the words “spring break” evolve from whispers of a distant future to full-fledged conversation. The unofficial halfway point of the semester is, for me at least, a time for

Men & Women’s Chapel: We Need to Change
Each semester, securely in its place on the chapel schedule is the ever-constant Men and Women’s Chapel. While this gender-segregated chapel has caused quite a bit of controversy over the years, students embrace the chance to tell The Scroll their feelings about this gender-specific chapel. Overall, the male students interviewed greatly

Men and Women’s Chapel: Missing Mentorship
I have attended a few chapels in my years here at Cairn, including a few “men’s only” chapels. As a freshman, this separation seemed like a good idea, but by my Sophomore year, men’s chapel was an automatic skip. Apparently, I’m not the only one. I interviewed some students asking

Overflowing Blessings
I am so blessed. I thank God everyday for the blessings He has given me and one of those is being part of the Cairn University family. I was given the opportunity to come and work at Cairn in September 2001 (right before 9/11) and have loved every minute of