Posts Tagged
coffee house

An Unorthodox Night
On Friday, February 7th, crowds filled the ADR to witness the incredible talent of fellow students. Unlike Heritage Idol, this was not a competition. Instead, it was a fun night to relax and enjoy the fellowship of the student body. When Sean Ellis described his own act, he called it

Coffee House Confusion
Nothing beats the wonderful smell of coffee and hot chocolate. As I walked into the Heritage Hall Great Room, reminiscing about the time I spent there my freshman year four years ago, I smiled at the number of students present at Friday’s Missions Coffee House. To be honest, I

Maybe The Third Time Isn’t the Charm
I have loved the addition of coffeehouse events in this school year. I think they have been a wonderful opportunity for students to express themselves creatively and for the student body to support them. The themes for the night have been unique and inviting. This last coffeehouse though did

A Taste of Home
Cairn’s SPA pulled off another wonderful coffee house and open mic night, after the successful turnout at the “New Season” event in September. The room was warm and students occupied every square foot of space in the room. It’s funny. I thought the spirit of this “taste of home” coffeehouse