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RIP Penndel
Penndel. Over the years it has become a “rite of passage” for the students here at Cairn University. Penndel has become a place for the upperclassmen to hunker down and get through their placements and student teaching without the frustrations of underclassmen staying up all night For those who live

Cafeteria Food Complaints
The meal selection at Cairn University has been described by many as “mediocre” and “subpar.” Since the inception of “Pioneer College Caterers” at Cairn University, the students have been fairly displeased with the food that is being offered at meals. From moldy bread, rotten fruits, unhealthy selections, poor kitchen management,

Campus Rock Controversy
I love the paint on the rock. I go up to it and peel off a layer or two and remember the other students that have come before me. Never before had I thought about the rock as a place of controversy; then again, I never thought Trump would be

Spirit Rock and Me: A Dialogue
To anyone reading this who is unfamiliar with Cairn’s campus: On campus, there is a spirit rock that allows students to spray paint whatever is on their mind that they believe should be voiced to the school. Most times, the rock is painted for school related events (ex. “Congrats class

Tattoos- Are They Moral?
Tattoos are one of those topics that are taboo in the Christian realm. The topic falls in line with some of the other gray areas of Scripture like drinking, dating, drugs and politics. Because believers try to leave peaceably with one another, they usually ignore the theology, philosophy and ethics

Does Cairn Really Care About My Safety?
Penndel parking…what a joke. I mean, who has the time to wait for the shuttle or wait for a security officer to meander over after their donut break. I am here to get an education; that is my primary goal. Why in the world am I expected to spend my