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Being an International Student: Part 2
Welcome back to the second part of “Being an International Student”! Where I dig deep into what its like being an International student here in the U.S. Last time, we talked about my personal story on how I got here and now I’ll be explaining to you what its like

The Cairn Chick-fil-A Culture
“Oh great, it’s Cairn students,” I heard my manager say as she took off her glasses to wipe her tired eyes. How often I have heard that reaction reiterated throughout my work experience at Chick-fil-A. After working there for the past two years, I watched many Cairn students saunter into

A Conversation About Culture
As we go about daily life, we check off our “to-do” list, compete for first place, pursue unique dreams, and rush so we won’t be late to class. Why do we do these things? Perhaps you have never considered the deep values that underlie these outward actions – values that